Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone – 6 ways [Re-blog]

Comfort zone is a danger zone, and you need to understand this and try to step out your comfort zone. Lets discuss how to come out of the comfort zone.

Yet another re-blog, Today I have read this beautiful post which talks about, how can we come out of comfort zone. The Author talk about 6 ways to step out of the comfort zone.

So before we talk about the ways how to come out of comfort zone, lets talk about the disadvantage of the comfort zone:

10 disadvantages of comfort zone, you:

  1. will lose your uniqueness and become like any other.
  2. are simply surviving.
  3. You become fearful of taking new things and challenges.
  4. You start living in a very dull life.
  5. are just going through life, not growing through life.
  6. You normally start procrastinating things.
  7. You are settling for less, whereas you deserve more.
  8. are playing very safe, not taking any risks.
  9. You are just getting by.
  10. will regret being in the comfort zone.

You can read this post in full details here,

Comfort Zone is a danger zone, nothing grows there

6 ways to step out of the comfort zone, these are:

  1. Become more curious
  2. Change your daily routine
  3. Start a challenge
  4. Go Out
  5. Learn something new
  6. Take a different route

The Author has beautifully explained each of the above steps and you can access and read the original post here,

Stepping out of your comfort zone is very important to me. Over the last few years I’ve noticed the importance of pushing myself. Just to get outside my comfort zone, learn something new and challenge myself. What are 5 easy ways to step out of your comfort zone? How can you get out of your […]

6 Ways To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone — The Curvaceous Vegan

So, by now we have discussed the disadvantages or being in comfort zone and how we can come out of comfort zone, let us now discuss, how our life will be once we come out of the comfort zone.

Advantages of coming out of the comfort zone:

  1. More adaptive to change
  2. More Creative
  3. Your life become exciting
  4. More Productive
  5. Increase in Self – confidence
  6. More control over life

Read more about these advantages at

Life outside your comfort zone…

Step out of your comfort zone

Comfort Zone is a danger zone, nothing grows there

Whether it is your working life or your personal life, people tend to shift in the comfort zone without even realizing this will ultimately ruin their life.

Comfort Zone

Whether it is your working life or your personal life, people tend to shift in the comfort zone without even realizing that this will ultimately ruin their life. They don’t even realize when their comfort zone becomes their danger zone.

If you’re not where you want to be in your life, it is probably because you’re stuck inside your own comfort zone.

Disadvantages of being in the comfort zone, You:

  1. will lose your uniqueness and become like any other.
  2. are simply surviving.
  3. You become fearful of taking new things and challenges.
  4. You start living in a very dull life.
  5. are just going through life, not growing through life.
  6. You normally start procrastinating things.
  7. You are settling for less, whereas you deserve more.
  8. are playing very safe, not taking any risks.
  9. You are just getting by.
  10. You will regret being in the comfort zone.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. – Neale Donald Walsch.

A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there.

So now we know that comfort zone is a danger zone and now we need to come out of the comfort zone.

“I’m not telling you that it is going to be easy, I am telling you that it is going to be worth it.”

Read the next two post at below link:

How to come out of comfort zone…

Life outside your comfort zone…


© All rights Reserved

Manish Malu

Life outside your comfort zone…

In my previous two post on comfort zone we discussed on disadvantages of comfort zone and how can we come out of comfort zone… Have a look at those post if you have not yet read…

Comfort Zone is a danger zone…

How to come out of comfort zone…

So now let’s analyze the advantages of coming out of the comfort zone:

More adaptive to change: Once you leave your comfort zone, you will become more adaptive to change and moreover you will yourself start bringing the change.

More Creative: Since now you are no more in comfort zone, your thinking pattern will change as now there won’t be any boundaries or limitation in your thinking. You will become more creative in thinking and approaching towards things in your life.

Continue reading “Life outside your comfort zone…”

How to come out of comfort zone…

In my previous post Comfort Zone is a danger zone… we have discussed how comfort zone can become a danger zone for us and there are many disadvantages of being in comfort zone.

So now let’s start the journey of coming out of the comfort zone, Yes you get it right it will be a journey… So let’s begin…

How to come out of comfort zone:

Continue reading “How to come out of comfort zone…”

Comfort Zone is a danger zone…

Comfort Zone

Whether its your working Life or your personal life, people tend to shift in the comfort zone without even realizing this will ultimately ruin their life. They don’t even realize when their comfort zone become their danger zone.

If you’re not where you want to be in your life, it’s probably because you’re stuck inside of your own comfort zone.

Disadvantages of being in comfort zone:

Continue reading “Comfort Zone is a danger zone…”