Some ironies of life…


  • Everybody wants food, but no one want to do farming.


  • Everybody wants to sit in shadow, but no one wants to grow and maintain trees.


  • Everybody wants water, but no one want to save water.


  • Everybody wants the truth, but no one wants to be honest.


  • Everybody wants a wife, but no one wants daughter.



You need to avoid these people…

“People inspire you, or they drain you—pick them wisely.” – Hans F. Hansen

Avoid these people in life, you will have a wonderful life…

Avoid people who…

— Spread negativity.
— Criticize you all the time.
— Waste your time.
— Gossips about other people.
— are jealous.
— play the victim.
— are self – centered.
— keep disappointing you.
— mess with your head.
— who intentionally do and say things that they know upset you.
— expect you to prioritize you but refuse to prioritize you.
— can’t and won’t apologize sincerely.

Self – Confidence vs Ego

EGO: I am, I am , I am , No one else is important

Ego is when people value themselves the most and at the same time don’t bother about other’s values and emotions.

Nowadays people have Ego of their Knowledge but no knowledge of their Ego.


Self confidence: I am and yes every one else is

Self confidence is a state of mind where you feel yourself valuable and important, and at the same time value other’s value’s and emotions.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Continue reading “Self – Confidence vs Ego”

Life outside your comfort zone…

In my previous two post on comfort zone we discussed on disadvantages of comfort zone and how can we come out of comfort zone… Have a look at those post if you have not yet read…

Comfort Zone is a danger zone…

How to come out of comfort zone…

So now let’s analyze the advantages of coming out of the comfort zone:

More adaptive to change: Once you leave your comfort zone, you will become more adaptive to change and moreover you will yourself start bringing the change.

More Creative: Since now you are no more in comfort zone, your thinking pattern will change as now there won’t be any boundaries or limitation in your thinking. You will become more creative in thinking and approaching towards things in your life.

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How to come out of comfort zone…

In my previous post Comfort Zone is a danger zone… we have discussed how comfort zone can become a danger zone for us and there are many disadvantages of being in comfort zone.

So now let’s start the journey of coming out of the comfort zone, Yes you get it right it will be a journey… So let’s begin…

How to come out of comfort zone:

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