Daily Motivational – Day 273

Don’t fight, resist, or avoid the changes that are happening in your life. Learn to allow and let go, so blessings can start flowing to you.

There’s no better teacher than life. Try. Whether you fail or succeed, it will be an experience.

Be so busy improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

Have a great day…

Daily Motivation – Day 272

Respect your body when it’s asking you for a break. Respect your mind when it’s seeking rest . Honour yourself when you need a moment yourself.

When you are committed to your healing journey, you outgrow people fast.

Have a great day…

Daily Motivation – Day 266

Filtered water keeps us far away from diseases and filtered speech keeps us far away from self-created problems.

If we could look into each other’s hearts and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance and care.

Have a great day…

Daily Motivation – Day 264

Small courtesies will take a person much further than cleverness. Courtesy is an offshoot of deep moral behaviour. It cost nothing but pays well.

Have a great day…

Daily Motivation – Day 263

Eyes gives us sight but not vision. Mind gives us thoughts, not action. Breath gives us life but not meaning.

Learn to have vision, perform right action and add meaning to your life.

Have a great day…