Daily Motivation – Day 154

You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, but there will always be someone who hates peaches.

Therefore, in life there will be some people who will always dislike you, no matter what you do for them, so stop wasting your energy on them.

Read all quotes here

Good Morning … Have a great day..

Bad News and Good News in Life…

Bad News is
You cannot make people like, love, understand or accept you.
Good News is:
It doesn’t matter.

Bad News is:
You cannot control what people think about you.
Good News is:
You can control your reaction to it.

Bad News is:
In life you will meet fake people.
Good News is:
You can identify them and you have capability to deal with them.

Bad News is:
You cannot control people in your life.
Good News is:
When you realize and understand that it is not required.

Bad News is:
Life flies very fast.
Good News is:
You are the pilot.

Bad News is:
People will judge you.
Good News is:
This does not matter. What matters is your own progress.

Bad News is:
You are not going to fit in with everyone.
Good News is:
When you realize that why to do so.

Bad News is:
Your life will never be perfect.
Good News is:
When you realize you don’t need a perfect life to be happy.

Bad News is:
There is no keys to Happiness.
Good News is:
When you realize it isn’t locked.

Bad News is:
“Nothing Lasts Forever”
Good News is:
Same … “Nothing Lasts Forever”

Bad News is:
You cannot make everyone happy.
Good News is:
That’s not required… You can make yourself happy and that is fully in your control.

Bad News is:
People are crueler, meaner and more evil than you have ever imagined.
Good News is:
People are kinder, gentle and more loving that you have ever dreamed. You need to identify them.

© All rights Reserved

Manish Malu 2019

Mastering Self – Discipline…

Self – discipline begins with Mastery of your own thoughts. If you don’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do.

Read Power of our thoughts… for mastering your thoughts.

Self – discipline is about controlling your desires and impulses while staying focused on what needs to get done to achieve your Goal.

You know most of us break the self – discipline everyday, that too before the day starts. It gets broke when we snooze our Alarm Clock.

If you want to get up at 6.40 in the morning set Alarm for 6.40 only, rather than setting at 6.30 and snoozing it for 10 minutes.

Self discipline is when you are responding instead of reacting. – © Manish Malu

So now let us discuss how to achieve self – discipline:

Continue reading “Mastering Self – Discipline…”

How to develop Social skills…

Here is the simple yet very effective and proven methods of developing social skills:

— Learn people’s name :- We feel really good if in the second meeting people remember our name and address us with our name. Remembering the name of the person is very important thing.

— Encourage others to talk about themselves:- When you speak, you say what you know, but when you listen you will definitely learn something new.

— Interrupt less:- The best appreciation we can give a person is ‘attentive and interesting listening’. So be a Good Listener.

— Ask questions where people can answer much more than simple “Yes” or “No”

— listen with intent to learn and understand:- we often listen to reply not to understand, but if we listen to understand we can develop good relationship.

— promote others good work :– So if you like this post you can share this and drop your favorite post in comment section so that I can read your post.

Continue reading “How to develop Social skills…”