Self-Discipline, How to bring discipline in Life

Self-discipline begins with Mastering control on your own thoughts. If you don’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do.

Self-discipline begins with Mastering control on your own thoughts. If you don’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do.

Read Power of our thoughts… for mastering your thoughts.

Self-discipline is about controlling your desires and impulses while staying focused on what needs to get done to achieve your Goal.

You know most of us break the self-discipline everyday, that too before the day starts. It gets broke when we snooze our Alarm Clock.

If you want to get up at 6.40 in the morning set Alarm for 6.40 only, rather than setting at 6.30 and snoozing it for 10 minutes.

Self-discipline is when you are responding instead of reacting. – ©

So now let us discuss how to achieve self-discipline:

  • Become comfortable with discomfort. If you are in comfort zone then come out of comfort zone How?.. Read this …How to come out of comfort zone…
  • Visualize your success, which will make you stay focused towards your Goal.
  • Learn to manage your time by managing priorities – If you want to know how to manage priorities read my article Utilizing time effectively by Priority Management…
  • Do regular Mediation and exercise, this will increase your will – power, focus and concentration.
  • Learn to say NO, else you will be running out of time always.
  • Think before you make a commitment and and once you have made commitment then complete that commitment.
  • Know your weaknesses and try and improve on those weaknesses.
  • Set Goal in life and have an execution plan to achieve the same.
  • Challenge yourself, Start doing what you are afraid of doing.
  • Form some Good Habits, First you form habits and then habits forms you… Read my post on 30 habits which will make you successful…
  • Forgive yourself, learn from failure and move forward.
  • Have an attitude of gratitude.
  • Learn to forgive people, whether to forget or not is up to you.
  • Eat Healthy , Stay Healthy.
  • Early to bed and Early to rise

Will talk on benefits of self-discipline in next post.

How to discipline yourself

Knowing what is Fear is important than how to overcome

We normally tend to a short term solution of a problem and same we do with fear. We try to find tips on overcoming fear without Knowing what is fear. Read the full post.

As the heading itself suggest that Knowing what is fear is important than how to overcome fear. We will focus today on understanding what is fear.

What is Fear:

Dictionary meaning of Fear:
“An unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm”

Here two important word that you need to note is “Emotion” and “threat”. Therefore, fear is an emotion and it is caused by a threat, which means that the event has not happened and even the actual happening or not happening of the event is not even certain.

Fear is nothing but a story, which we tell ourselves over and over again.

Knowing what is Fear and Understanding it in detail:

Consider a Situation; if someone sticks a gun in your face, you will most likely have a lot of fear because you are imagining what he or she will do and what the effect will be for you.

Now consider the second situation; if you are feared in general that just walking down the street that someone will pull a gun on you?

Let us evaluate both the situation and understand the fear,

In the first situation, Danger is in front of you and you are imagining the outcome of this, which may happen at any time.

Whereas in the second situation nothing has happened, you are not only imagining the outcome, moreover, you are imagining the Cause itself i.e. Danger.

In our life most of the time our fear is of the second category.

One more perspective which will help you in knowing what is fear:

We do not touch fire, why, are we afraid of fire or we know that we will burn our hand if we touch fire. Try to understand the difference in both the scenario; I am trying to simplify the thing, which we often confuse. So not touching the fire is not due to fear, here the danger is real and we know that we will burn our hand if we touch fire.

Reason of Fear:

You need to understand we are not afraid of the situation, we are afraid of the outcome of the situation.
Let us understand this, Say for example someone says He/ she is afraid of heights, this means that they are not afraid of heights, they are afraid of the outcome, what if they will fall down. Again, the outcome is not universal truth like in the example of fire; it is just imaginary, which only born in our mind.

Let us further evaluate this understanding; here is the list of Top Ten Fears in the Life:

Something Bad Happening
Getting Hurt
Being Judged

Read more about these fears in this link. Moreover, once you read about these fears in details, you will understand that these are just created in our own mind in some imaginary situations while we think of some future outcome.

What I am trying to demonstrate here is that all these fears are “Fears” because we are afraid of the outcome. The outcome is a future thing, so understand that Fear is born due to our thinking of Future outcomes.

Let us go back to our example and understand Fear in some more details:

Now let us go back to our example, where someone put a Gun on your face. Here we are facing our Fear, which fears, which we were imagining that what if someone pulls a gun on my face. If we are facing our fear then why we are afraid of.

Here you need to understand that, we do not fear as a result of someone has put a gun on our face, we cannot be afraid of that because that is happening in the present. Then why and what are we fearing for. Here we are afraid of another imaginary outcome, which is Death. What if he will shoot me dead?

Overcoming Fear:

As at the start I have told you that Knowing what is Fear is important than how to overcome it. So I am not giving you any tips to overcome a particular fear as your fear is different from my fear, I will give you a general principle to overcome fear.

When we will detach ourselves from the Outcome / Results (which is future) and focus on the Task (which is the present) we will not be afraid of anything.

Bhagavad Gita also say Karm Karo fal ki chinta mat karo.

Bhagavad Gita 2.47 translation: “You have control over performing your act, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never be a slave to the outcome of an act but still, you should not be demotivated to perform your action.

If we follow this principle, we will not be afraid of the outcome and once our focus will shift from Outcome to Action or performing duties, fear will automatically disappear.

Conclusion: Knowing what is Fear is important than how to overcome

Let us conclude the topic with few wonderful quotes:

“Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem to be more afraid of life than death.”
— James F. Byrnes

“Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”

Read my post on Self-Awareness

Get to know me Tag…

Thank you so much Penfila and Swathi for nominating me for this challenge. Dear All I request you all to visit their blog, both of them are wonderful writer, you all will surely enjoy their post and learn.

My Answers:

1. what does your name mean?

Manish is a common Hindu masculine given name that literally means “The God of the Mind” or the one who has controlled and mastered one’s mind (representing an intellectual, genius, etc.)

— Oh my God… 😍.

2. Are you scared of height?


3. What’s your best physical feature?

Sorry … No Answer on this…

4. What’s your favourite music genre?


5. Are you a good cook?

I wont say good cook… But I really love cooking….

6. what’s your favourite icecream flavour?


7. Do you have any allergies?


8. What’s your favourite festival?


9. Which of your parent do you look like?

My mom

10.who is your favourite musician?

Arijit Singh.



Continue reading “Get to know me Tag…”

The lyrical challenge, Day 3…

Hi All, I have been nominated by Jaya Singh for Three Days Lyrical Challenge. Thank you so much Jaya Singh for nominating me. Please visit her wonderful blog.

Day 1 song

Day 2 song

Last two days I was posting motivating song this time it’s time to change… So a romantic song…

English version:

Come to my life slowly

Steal my heart slowly
How much I love you, my sweetheart
I wanna meet you and tell you
Come to my life slowly
Steal my heart slowly
How much I love you, my sweetheart
I wanna meet you and tell you
Since I have seen you, I have gotten restless
There are no other names on my mind except for yours
all i do is remember you and nothing else
I have gotten mad in yo love
steal my heart slowly
Come to my life slowly
Steal my heart slowly

Hindi version

Continue reading “The lyrical challenge, Day 3…”