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Superstitions or Science? The Logic Behind 10 superstitions

Superstitions or Science? Let’s explore

I don’t consider myself superstitious in the traditional sense, where beliefs are based solely on superstitions passed down through generations. However, I do believe in understanding the underlying reasons behind superstitions. If there’s a logical explanation or practical benefit to following a superstition, I’m open to it. For me, it’s more about understanding the cultural and historical significance along with science of these beliefs rather than blindly adhering to them.

Superstitions or Science? Exploring the Logic Behind Indian Beliefs
Superstitions or Science? Exploring the Logic Behind Indian Beliefs

Superstitions or Science

Lets talk about few superstitions and the science or logic behind those.

1. Breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck:

  • Superstition: Breaking a mirror is believed to bring seven years of bad luck.
  • Explanation: This superstition may have originated from the belief that mirrors reflect our soul. Breaking a mirror was considered a bad omen, symbolizing the shattering of one’s soul. The seven years of bad luck could signify the time it takes for the soul to rejuvenate.

2. Sweeping the floor at night brings bad luck:

  • Superstition: Sweeping the floor at night brings bad luck.
  • Explanation: This superstition may have originated from the practicality of sweeping in dim light, which could lead to missing valuable items or even injuring oneself. Hence, it was discouraged to sweep at night for safety reasons.

3. Lemon and green chillies :

  • Superstition: Placing a lemon and green chillies at the entrance wards off evil spirits.
  • Explanation: Lemons and green chillies have antibacterial properties. Hanging them at the entrance could have been a way to ward off insects and prevent diseases, which were often associated with evil spirits in folklore.

4. Opening an umbrella indoors brings bad luck:

  • Superstition: Opening an umbrella indoors is believed to bring bad luck.
  • Explanation: The superstition may have originated from the belief that opening an umbrella indoors would offend the spirits residing in the house, inviting their wrath. It could also be a cautionary measure to avoid accidents in small, confined spaces.

5. Shaking your legs brings financial loss:

  • Superstition: Shaking your legs is believed to bring financial loss.
  • Explanation: This superstition may have originated from the belief that shaking one’s legs indicates restlessness or impatience, which could lead to careless decision-making and financial loss.

6. Cutting nails or hair at night is unlucky:

  • Superstition: Cutting nails or hair at night is considered unlucky.
  • Explanation: In the past, cutting nails or hair at night was discouraged due to the lack of proper lighting and hygiene, which could lead to injuries or infections. The superstition likely persisted as a precautionary measure.

7. Seeing a crow near your house is unlucky:

  • Superstition: Seeing a crow near your house is considered unlucky.
  • Explanation: Crows are often associated with death in Indian culture. However, from a logical standpoint, crows are scavengers and often congregate near areas with food sources, which could be near houses, leading to the superstition.

8. Eating curd and sugar before an exam brings good luck:

  • Superstition: Eating curd and sugar before an exam brings good luck.
  • Explanation: This superstition may have originated from the belief that curd and sugar provide energy and improve brain function, which could help in performing well in exams.

9. Putting a black dot on a newborn baby’s forehead wards off evil eye:

  • Superstition: Putting a black dot on a newborn baby’s forehead wards off the evil eye.
  • Explanation: The black dot, known as ‘kajal’ or ‘kohl’, is believed to protect the baby from the evil eye. Additionally, kohl has antibacterial properties, which could protect the baby from infections.

10. Sneezing before leaving the house is unlucky:

  • Superstition: Sneezing before leaving the house is considered unlucky.
  • Explanation: This superstition may have originated from the fear of falling sick or encountering obstacles on a journey. Sneezing was considered a bad omen, indicating that the journey might not be smooth.

Your turn, Superstitions or Science

Comment 1-2 superstition and logic behind the same or just write the superstition we will explore the logic together.

A Letter to My Teenage Self: Navigating Life’s Twists with Wisdom

Daily writing prompt
What advice would you give to your teenage self?


Imagine if we could turn back the clock and have a heart-to-heart with our teenage selves. What would we say? What advice would we give? As someone who’s navigated the twists and turns of life, here’s what I wish I could tell my teenage self, in the hope that it might resonate with you too.

I remember vividly the uncertainties and dreams that filled my teenage years. I was eager to explore the world, yet unsure of my path. One day, I stumbled upon an old journal where I had penned down my aspirations. Reading those words, I realized how far I’ve come since then. If only I had known then what I know now.

My 7 piece of Advice:

1. Self-Discovery:

Teenage years are for exploration. Try new things, even if they scare you. Discover your passions and what makes you come alive. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; they’re stepping stones to self-discovery.

2. Resilience:

Life is full of ups and downs. Learn to bounce back from setbacks. Embrace failure as a teacher, not a punishment. Your resilience will be your superpower.

here is detailed post on this topic:

Understand resilience, its attributes and your own score

3. Balance:

Find balance in everything you do. Don’t overcommit yourself. It’s okay to say no sometimes. Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Striking a balance in all aspects of life is essential for overall well-being. Overcommitting oneself can lead to burnout and decreased productivity.

Recognizing the value of saying no at times is crucial in order to prioritize responsibilities and maintain personal boundaries. Additionally, nurturing your physical, mental, and emotional health is paramount for a fulfilling life. Taking time to engage in activities that promote well-being, such as exercise, mindfulness, and self-care, can significantly contribute to a balanced and harmonious lifestyle.

4. Relationships:

Nurture meaningful relationships. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and inspire you. Value your family, cherish your friends, and seek guidance from mentors.

5. Education and Skills:

Education is not just about grades; it’s about learning and growing. Develop skills that interest you, and never stop learning. The world is your classroom.

6. Purpose and Meaning:

Reflecting on what truly matters to you is an essential part of finding purpose and meaning in life. It’s a journey that involves understanding your values, passions, and dreams. When you seek purpose and meaning in everything you do, you align your actions with your core beliefs, bringing a deep sense of fulfillment and contentment.

Following your heart becomes a guiding compass, leading you towards experiences and endeavors that resonate with your authentic self. It’s in these moments that you find not just success, but a profound sense of fulfillment and joy. So, as you navigate through life, remember to listen to your heart, for it holds the key to unlocking the path to meaningful and fulfilling experiences.

7. Gratitude:

Practice gratitude daily is an essential habit to cultivate. Taking the time to count your blessings, no matter how small they may seem, can have a profound impact on your overall well-being.

Incorporating gratitude into your daily routine can help keep you grounded, allowing you to appreciate the journey you are on. Embracing gratitude can shift your perspective, helping you focus on the positive aspects of your life rather than getting caught up in negativity. This simple practice has the power to bring about a sense of contentment and fulfillment, ultimately enriching your daily experiences.


Dear teenager, life is a beautiful journey, full of twists and turns. Embrace it with an open heart and a curious mind. Remember, you’re never alone on this journey. Your experiences, both good and bad, will shape you into the amazing person you’re destined to become. Trust the process, believe in yourself, and enjoy the ride.

Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations.” – Oliver Goldsmith

The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” – Tony Robbins

Unlocking Financial Wisdom for Youth: A Journey with

Hello Friends,

I am starting with a new Blog site, where I will write blogs related to Finance related topics.

Read more about my Vision for this blog and please forward this link to your friends and family who are interested in finance related topics.

The Break: Comedy, Popcorn, and Life’s Essential Interlude

Daily writing prompt
Do you need a break? From what?

Taking the break is like pressing the pause button in the chaotic symphony of life. Imagine life as a Netflix series, and we all desperately need those intermissions to grab some popcorn and reflect.


In the grand theater of life, where every day feels like a blockbuster, there comes a point when hitting the pause button becomes not just an option but a necessity. Picture this – life’s grand comedy show, complete with unexpected plot twists, tightrope walks, and a generous sprinkling of chaos. The question isn’t just whether we need a break, but rather, can we afford not to have one?

In this fast-paced life marathon, where deadlines resemble hurdles, and responsibilities mimic a circus act, the need for a breather becomes as crucial as that perfectly timed punchline. Join me in unraveling “The Break Manifesto: Comedy, Popcorn, and Life’s Essential Interlude,” where we explore the art of taking a step back in this rollercoaster ride we call life.

The break, lets deep dive:

Life often throws challenges at us like a bowling alley on a Friday night. Juggling work, deadlines, and the occasional existential crisis can be overwhelming. It’s like participating in a never-ending game of Twister, where you’re just one misstep away from chaos.

Taking a break isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. It’s that refreshing sip of chai during a long meeting – essential and rejuvenating. Stepping back allows us to see the bigger picture, like realizing you’ve been watching the same TV show for hours and it’s time for a change.

Why you need “the break”:

  1. Pause for Perspective: Just like pausing a game to strategize, life demands a pause for perspective. It’s okay to step back, assess, and recalibrate.
  2. Popcorn Moments: Life is a movie, and we should savor those popcorn moments. Take breaks not just to rest but to enjoy the show. You wouldn’t binge-watch without snacks, right?
  3. The Comedy of Errors: Embrace the comedic side of life. Laughter is the best stress-buster. Find the humor in challenges; it’s the sitcom of survival.


So, dear life enthusiasts, the next time someone asks if you need a break, respond with a resounding “Yes!” Life is a journey, not a sprint. Take breaks, enjoy the intermissions, and remember, even the greatest epics have captivating pauses.

As Ferris Bueller wisely said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Keep breaking for success!

Here is another fantastic read for you:

Learning about Life from Ad Slogans… Part 1

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The Break from Life
The Break from Life

Maya’s Story: The Ripple Effect of Daily Choices

Introduction: Unveiling the Power Within

In the heart of a bustling city, amidst the rhythm of daily life, unfolds the extraordinary journey of Maya. Her story is not one of grand gestures or extraordinary events but is woven with the threads of small, daily choices that set in motion a ripple effect of transformation.

Join us as we delve into Maya’s world, exploring the profound impact of financial discipline, intellectual growth, and physical well-being. Brace yourselves for a narrative that reveals the magic hidden in the seemingly mundane, where each chapter of Maya’s life carries a valuable lesson on the power of persistency and consistency.

Welcome to a tale that will inspire you to embark on your own journey of positive change—one small choice at a time.

Part 1: Seeds of Financial Transformation

In the heart of a bustling city, the tale of Maya unfolded with the first light of dawn. Maya’s story commenced in the realm of financial responsibility, where the simple act of saving $5 each day became the cornerstone of her journey. Little did she know that these modest contributions would pave the way for unforeseen opportunities, creating a ripple effect in the tapestry of her life.

Part 2: Pages of Wisdom

As the sun reached its zenith, Maya’s narrative delved into the second part – a journey of intellectual growth. Committing to reading 15 pages daily, Maya found herself immersed in a world of ideas and perspectives. The pages turned, and with each one, her understanding of the world deepened. What began as a small daily ritual blossomed into a lifelong pursuit of knowledge, transforming Maya’s mind and soul.

Part 3: Footsteps of Change

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the final chapter of Maya’s story unfolded – a testament to physical well-being and community connection. Maya’s commitment to walking 8000 steps daily transcended mere exercise; it became a meditative journey. One fateful day, these steps led her to a lost puppy, setting in motion a series of events that connected her with a local animal shelter and ignited her passion for community service.

Conclusion and Learnings from Maya’s Story

Maya’s story, divided into these three captivating parts, unveils the profound impact of financial discipline, intellectual growth, and physical well-being. Each part is a testament to the magic of persistency and consistency, inspiring readers to embark on their own transformative journeys, one small choice at a time.

  1. The Power of Small Habits: Maya’s story emphasizes the transformative impact of consistent, small habits in shaping one’s life.
  2. The Ripple Effect of Choices: Individual actions, like Maya’s, can have a ripple effect, influencing and inspiring positive change in the community.
  3. Financial Discipline Opens Doors: Maya’s commitment to saving $5 daily showcased how financial discipline not only provides a safety net but also unlocks unexpected opportunities.
  4. Intellectual Growth as a Lifelong Journey: Maya’s dedication to reading 15 pages daily highlights the idea that continuous learning, even in small doses, contributes to personal development.
  5. Mindful Living and Community Connection: Maya’s habit of walking 8000 steps daily not only improved her well-being but also fostered a connection with the community, encouraging mindful living and unexpected connections.
  1. “Small daily improvements are the key to staggering long-term results.” – Robin Sharma
  2. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle
The Ripple Effect of Daily Choices