Daily Motivation – Day 185

Before you think of doing good to others make sure of two things –

1) that the other person appreciates it and

2) the other person is worth it.

Good morning… Have a great day…

Author: Manish Malu

By profession I am a Chartered Accountant, working in MNC. Book Reading is my passion, I normally read Books related to Self-development, Motivation, Leadership, Spirituality etc and reads blogs and watch Videos on these topics. The sprit to share the learned knowledge, brought me here so that I can write blogs and inspire myself and others with my work.

11 thoughts on “Daily Motivation – Day 185”

  1. How can we possibly judge another’s heart at a specific moment in their life? Who has the omniscience to know when that particular seed of kindness will blossom.?

  2. Totally disagree. I think everyone deserves help. It is up to them what they do with it, but I think everyone should have a shot, no? If we give up on people, lots of people would be in a bad place now.

    1. Thanks for your perspective…
      Right… Everyone deserve help.. but the one who really need help will definitely have those two qualities…

      Let’s evaluate few points here…

      – If we keep helping people who are not worth for the help, we may miss helping the one who really deserve.

      – by appreciation I don’t mean that , one should owe to us. Appreciation means he / she should be grateful for the help, irrespective of whether is showed it to us or not.

      – if he / she is grateful for the help he / she has already passed the test of those qualities.

      Hope this clarifies.. let me know your views again…

  3. Hard facts! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
    Speaking as someone who has been burned too many times trying to help people who are actively trying to destroy themselves: It really is not our responsibility to help people who won’t be helped. That’s why listening is important. Often the kind of help asked for is not what they want. Sometimes people want to wallow in their sorrow and pain and they want attention as they do so.

    1. Yes, some people are abusive and/or self-destructive and our ‘help’ bounces off them like water on a duck’s back. It’s a lesson that only time can teach us. When to quit? Help and kindness is never a waste of our time; it’s they who are wasting it 🙂

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